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1 - 20 of 477 Works in Cable and Deadpool Pages Navigation Listing Works Tags Summary 來自變種鎮的瘋子消防員韋德跟神祕兮兮律師內森私奔到曼哈頓生活的故事。 Series Part 2 of Along the Shady Path Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Words: 137, 517 Chapters: 15 /15 Kudos: 69 Bookmarks: 12 Hits: 1022 Wade and Peter play Santa to the mutant orphans at the Xavier School and get up to a little sooty fun as a reward for their good deeds. Or at least they try to. Part 5 of Cable Interruptus Part 13 of 25 Days of Spideypool Christmas 2020 English 1, 299 1/1 Collections: 1 36 4 492 Wade knows Nathan's extremely long name because he's always had it. Part 1 of Cablepool Soulmate Stuff 7, 473 3 /3 51 8 354 Challenges and responses. Challenges are open on both tumblr and here on Ao3. Come at me. Chapter 12 Prompt: "if u still accepting prompts, what about cablepool comic version meet the movie version? that would be funny cause movie cable is so short and cute" Part 3 of The Write and Post Adventures 21, 174 12 /? 136 16 1970 Just a couple of divorced guys broing it in a safe house.

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  1. Cable and Deadpool | Character Close Up | Marvel Comic Reading Lists
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Average rating 4. 14 · 199 ratings 9 reviews | Start your review of Deadpool & Cable Omnibus It was ok. The best Deadpool so far has been in Remender's X-Force run. This had some decent moments towards the middle/end. But not a lot of depth... I wanted to read some Deadpool, just to see what all the fuss was about. A friend suggested I start with this series, saying Deadpool is best opposite a strong foil like Cable. Those two characters' interactions and occasionally symbiotic relationship charge the story. It was a comic book, but sometimes I wished the world stopped needing saving so the stories could be more about them than the world needing saving. Having only read Deadpool and Cable in this book, I cannot say if there is another.. It's pretty hard to summarize 50 issues of any comic book (what a value buy, if you like this stuff, by the way). So for me, I'll just say: often middling, sometimes pretty good, and some quasi-summative qualities since it has a lot of historical contexts for 50 issues of Marvel continuity in the 2000's-ish.

Wanting to make the ultimate weapon against Apocalypse (someone we'll meet in theaters this year), the psychotic mutant geneticist Mr. Sinister tricked Cyclops into conceiving Nathan with an evil clone of his wife, Jean Grey. In the events that followed a plot involving the infant and the demonic dimension Limbo, Apocalypse infected Nathan with a techno-organic virus to ensure he would never become a threat. A desperate Cyclops found his only option to save his son was to send Nathan 2, 000 years into an alternate future to be raised by his half-sister, Rachel Summers, and a group known as the Askani. Though the mutant learned how to hone his telekinetic abilities to keep the virus at bay, the results caused half of his body to take on a metallic appearance. Nathan grew to maturity and defeated a future version of Apocalypse, after which he traveled back in time to the 20th century before his birth to make sure the Apocalypse of the past would never rise to power. Nathan embraced the name Cable to signify his link from the past to the future.

Deadpool and cable relationship 2

This series started after the Agent X series ended. It explores the often rocky relationship between Deadpool and Cable and has become somewhat of a cult classic. The series lasted for 50 issues, after which both stars got their own ongoing series again, namely Deadpool Vol. 2 and Cable Vol. 2.

Who is Cable? Grab some popcorn because this is going to get complicated. Cable is the gun-toting, psionic son of Cyclops and Madelyn Pryor, Jean Grey's clone. Although born in the present, he was sent to the future and raised as a superpowered warrior whose sole purpose was to return to the past and prevent the apocalyptic future he was raised in from ever happening. (And yes, said apocalyptic future was created by Apocalypse, the immortal mutant who will make his nefarious debut in X-Men: Apocalypse later this year. ) There's a lot of time-jumping; just roll with it. Ultimately, Cable's stiff moral compass, and his fearsome abilities, make him the perfect foil for Deadpool's tricks. Like his father before him, Cable is a natural-born leader who has dedicated his life to protecting mankind. In fact, he was first introduced leading a team of Professor Xavier's students, a team called The New Mutants. Perhaps not-so-coincidently, director Josh Boone ( The Fault In Our Stars) is currently working on bringing The New Mutants to the big screen.

New Mutants follows exactly what the title implies: a class of younger, superpowered mutants enrolled at Xavier's School -- kinda like Negasonic Teenage Warhead. There's been a bunch of different takes on the idea, but the original gist was that these new mutants went through all the typical high school angst... but with powers. How does he meet Deadpool? Cable and Deadpool first crossed paths in New Mutants #98, when the Merc With a Mouth was hired to kill him. Needless to say, the hit did not go as planned. Thus ignited the spark, albeit reluctantly, that started it all. Cable wants to protect mankind, while Deadpool just wants to blow stuff up, relax, and eat chimichangas. Do you see the comedic potential here? Marvel sure did. Cable and Deadpool were ultimately paired together in the comics as unwilling compadres. The duo were so good together, Marvel even issued their own team-up series, which lasted for 50 issues. Now, you're probably thinking that Cable and Deadpool's relationship sounds a lot like the one established in the movie between Deadpool and Colossus.

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