Wednesday, 17 March 2021

So there is some type of open portal there, in my belief, based upon scientific readings, and evidence we collected, things that we all felt. I mean, I lost Billy, he just lost himself in there. As soon as we felt that energy from the center of that circle, I had to kneel down for a moment. I could feel it, so I do believe there is a very dark portal, or gateway at the house. And, even that little kid in the very beginning... ESQ: Oh my God, yeah. ZB: I mean, a little kid taking this huge piece of tree and laying it there, and what would appear to be urinating on it or something? And then we went over there, just unannounced, and I asked the mother if I could talk to her kid. Thankfully she let me, and I mean, did you hear what the kid was saying? ESQ: That was straight out of a horror movie, like even his tone. ZB: I was expecting him to just be like, "Yeah I took a tree over there, I wanted to mess with you guys, " you know? But then he just got, talking about all these spirits there.

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But integrating age-old designs into a modern city is a different matter entirely. Some cities are further ahead than others. IJBurg is a collection of floating houses built on six artificial islands on IJ Lake in Amsterdam, designed by Marlies Rohmer. It was conceived to deal with the city's critical housing shortage problem as well as its vulnerability to flooding – more than half of the Netherlands is at or below sea level. The housing is a mix of expensive waterside condos and social housing, with about 30% of the community's 18, 000 houses allocated to low-income residents. When complete, the development will provide homes for 45, 000 residents on 10 islands. In Copenhagen, architecture firm Urban Rigger has unveiled floating student housing made from end of life shipping containers. Each Urban Rigger has 12 studio apartments which share a courtyard complete with a BBQ area, bike racks and a kayak landing, and is powered in part by solar energy. Tethered to docks in the city, the first students are due to move at the end of the year and will pay around £500-£600 a month.

Correcta, porque la mamá de Andrea gana muy poco b. Incorrecta, porque es una tarea muy fácil de realizar c. Incorrecta, porque es un trabajo digno. 4. ¿Por qué es importante evitar conductas o actitudes que discriminen? a. Porque nos regañará la maestra b. Porque no nos permite conocer bien a las personas y aprender de ellas. c. Porque podemos tener una nota de mala conducta. 5. Subraya la opción que contiene ideas que discriminan. a. "Que Ana no juegue porque es niña" b. "Te ayudaré con la tarea" c. "Te invito a mi fiesta" 6. Encierra la imagen que es parte del ambiente y nos brinda oxígeno y sombra. 7. Es una medida para cuidar de las plantas a. No pisotearlas ni maltratarlas b. Regarlas sólo cuando me acuerde c. Arrancarlas para adornar el patio

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El arte se presenta en esta novela como "una válvula de escape de la cruda realidad" a la que se abrazarán el protagonista y su hermana, María, aunque ella tendrá un trágico final. Este viaje por la memoria de Anselmo Rodiles lo desencadena un accidente doméstico de su padre por el que es ingresado en el hospital, donde ya sólo le queda esperar la muerte. Ante este "ser desvalido" que ya no recuerda en nada al padre autoritario contra el que el protagonista guardaba muchos resentimientos, Anselmo reflexiona sobre su vida sin emitir un juicio, aunque la autora sí que se ha formado una opinión del personaje. "En el fondo, creo que ha sido y es un hombre libre, que ha comido lo que la vida le sirvió en el plato y que ésta no es triste ni alegre, es vida", concluye Merino. -

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Dr. Kumar is deeply interested in education of medical and graduate students, having served as the Pathology Course Director at both Boston University and UT Southwestern at Dallas. Along with the late Dr. Stanley Robbins and Dr. Ramzi S. Cotran, Dr. Kumar has co-authored Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease and Basic Pathology for the past 34 years. Currently, he is the senior editor and author of both of these texts, now in their ninth editions. Together they are the most widely used and influential pathology texts in the world and have also been translated into over 13 foreign languages. He served on the AAMC-HHMI task force that published a report entitled "Scientific Foundation for Future Physicians. " In 1995, while at UTSW, he developed a competency-based course in Pathology using a model that is now popularly called "the flipped classroom". He is currently leading the development of a web-based integrated curriculum for medical education funded by a nonprofit foundation in India.

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